Things I Read This Week

So, another week, another list of things I read. There are a few pieces I was saving to read this week, but then I died twice, which cut into my reading time. Nevertheless, I did manage to read some stuff.

On the Web:

The comments section is all about bridal showers so I’m posting this so one of you adds me to that wedding shaming group on facebook

This story is bonkers, but I am so unsatisfied by the ending

Widows comes out this weekend and I cannot wait to see it. Viola Davis AND Gillian Flynn? I’m so hype! (Gillian Flynn isn’t *in* the movie, she co-wrote it)

viola davis widows GIF by TIFF

My friend Lauren wrote this, but that’s not the only reason you should read it (and then see the movie she’s writing about)


Image result for maximum derek gif

Look, I started a trend!

For anyone who knows me, knows that my musical taste runs in the more Janet, New Edition, Prince direction, but as a 90s teen I will always harbour a love for Nirvana because that shit you love at 13 just seeps into your bones for life

So, I can’t stop talking about The Good Place and that entire cast is just charming af, but this is gross and I hate it (I don’t hate it, I love it so much)

I’m going to go home and listen to the Love Jones soundtrack now

And I can’t wait for The Crown to come back

But in the meantime, I will daydream about the high stake world of auctions and how we need a movie about Sue the TRex

On the Shelf:

I’m still reading The Mermaid and Mrs. Handock because I cannot read it quickly. The language is so lush and dreamy and the characters are so cinematic I keep stopping to just imagine what this world looks like and that takes up a lot of my reading time. I’m hopeless. 

During a two hour-ish outage when my cable AND internet went out (I KNOW) I made a bigger dent in Crazy, Rich Asians, but I couldn’t really concentrate because I was dying and also mad that the cable went out while I was in the middle of a season 2 episode of The Simpsons.

So anyway, that’s it for this week. I would’ve had my podcast post up earlier, but then I added a whole bunch of new ones, so I’ve still got to do some detail work on that, but otherwise, until next week!

excited see ya GIF by The Good Place