Things I Read This Week

Another week of reading things.

awkward andy samberg GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

On The Web:

I’ve had fiction writer’s block for way too long, but reading this helped… I think.

I read this and realized I hadn’t listened to any Tribe Called Quest in way too long so I loaded a playlist while I took a bath and it’s my new form of self care.

This is a great piece about why some black women have a fondness for fur and you should read it regardless on your opinions regarding wearing fur.

I might be a teeny bit excited that every day brings us closer and closer to Captain Marvel being beamed into our eyeballs, so I’m reading everything I can until March 8th.

No Scrubs was my first car’s theme song (RIP Pepe) but also I don’t understand how the song can be 20 years old, or how I’ve been driving for over 20 years when I am only 20 years old.

tlc no scrubs GIF by KISS FM UK

I like retrospectives like the Vanity Fair Hollywood cover retrospective, but it also it’s like “Hello! Everything is so white and male!”

I’ve been making my way through the AV Club’s When Romance Met Comedy series because I love rom-coms and it’s been a great palate cleanser from reading about dumpster fire governments, how we are killing the planet, or how some white dude lied about everything (like his mother and brother dying of cancer!) and yet still got published (WHEN WOC ARE SO DAMN UNDERREPRESENTED IN PUBLISHING–when all he had to do was exist as a white dude and he’d have still probably gotten published with minimal effort anyway. And no, I’m not linking to that story because honestly, that dumbass doesn’t deserve anymore attention).

This is an old article and it came up on my Facebook memories so I read it again and will every year on Janet Jackson Appreciation Day.

Janet Jackson GIF

Am I prepared for End Game? No. Am I crying about Steve Rogers already? Yes. The answer is always yes.

The sad thing about this list is that it’s only 3 people long. C’mon Refinery29, I’m sure you can do better than just 3 black women to recognize during Black History Month.

This took me 3 days to get through and may be the most bonkers thing I read in February (uh… don’t hold me to that) but a pretty convincing conspiracy theory that James Brown was murdered? Ok, I’m here for it.

I have imagined being a part of a place like The Wing forever–my sister and cousin even had a childhood make-believe game that was basically our version of The Wing–it’s the kind of space I think I would find inspiration from and would facilitate me to write more, but alas, I neither live in a place where a The Wing workspace exists, nor can I afford ~$2000 a year to belong. The critiques here are extremely valid and capitalism is why we can’t have nice things. But the praise is also valid, so, you know, shit is complicated.

So, basically, lady friendships are super important and there is a book about it.

I didn’t really think about Fashion Week as a dying entity until I read this and then realized I haven’t actually followed Fashion Week for a few years now and so maybe it is.

fashion fail GIF

And I guess Dollywood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be… but really, what is?

Reema Zaman has a memoir out, so, as always, my book list gets longer.

On The Shelf:

I finished Crazy, Rich Asians and decided to follow that up with the Tana French that was released on my birthday–The Witch Elm. So far I hate the protagonist, but it’s well written and I’m intrigued, so we’ll see how it goes.

Anyway, I have a trip to the bookstore planned for the weekend, so let’s see what I add to my bookshelf and if I buy 300 more notebooks. I predict yes. Until next week!

Nbc S2 GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Things I Read This Week

nico santos mateo GIF by Superstore

This week, you guys.

On the Web


Let’s just watch this again

In a week of super bad takes all across this great internet of ours, I read that Ariana Grande thing in INTO because someone I like and who posts good things usually shared the article. IT WAS NOT GOOD.

bad ryan gosling GIF by ADWEEK

The next day I read the Priyanka slam The Cut published and like, damn Mariah Smith, just keep that shit in a private journal like everyone else; no one in interested in your Geocities Priyanka-hate site. Also, wtf were you thinking publishing that, The Cut? You clearly need new editors.

AND THEN! there was a thing about national treasure Jameela Jamil and how she’s anti-feminist for calling out the Kardashians on their detox tea nonsense. Because apparently the person who wrote that thinks that you should support women, even if they do some shitty things, to be a real feminist. I mean, by that logic we should support women like Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, or the women who were complicit in contributing to the holocaust just because they’re women?! — I’d rather not. And another piece about how she’s too attractive to be talking about body positivity?! Idek.

over it eye roll GIF

And let’s not forget (actually, let’s) the white nonsense that was that WASP piece by Worst Ross, Ross Douchehat (who’d have guessed there’s a Ross worse than Ross Geller?! And yes, I know that’s not how you spell his name, but I do not care, he is a douche hat).

So I spent a lot of my time reading things I should not have read and therefore will not link for you because they don’t deserve your clicks, your energy, or space in your brain.

chelsea peretti internet GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

So then I read this from Jezebel about how the American media needs to get on Priyanka’s level, which, duh.

Aparna Nancherla is great (and has the best episode of Netflix’s The Standups, fyi) and talks about being friends with your anxiety.


I feel attacked

I miss The Hairpin and I miss The Toast

As of today I am in official mourning because the Avengers 4 trailer came out and MY BABY STEVE IS CRYING

*1 million cry emoji*

I would have read more, but it’s been a busy week, and the slow time that I have had was spent arguing with some useless nipple because he told me I shouldn’t care about people in foreign countries.

Also, I know it’s not ~stuff I read~ but the trailers are VERY IMPORTANT TRAILERS 

On the Shelf

I am SOOOO close to finishing The Mermaid and Mrs. Handcock and it’s KILLING me that I couldn’t finish it at lunch today (that fucking useless nipple). So I’m actually going to try and sneak-read it till the end of the day, or finish it off at home, but either way, I’m finishing it TONIGHT.


Anyway, the year is winding down, so perhaps I’ll change things up for the remainder and do some list posts or something. I haven’t fully figured it out yet, but I do have some running lists I’ve been keeping all year in my bullet journal, so perhaps I will just toss up on this here blog and make it look like I’m posting things that are worthwhile and important.

Anyway, that’s it for this week. Remember kids, if a white dood calls you racist for point out he is white, it must be true!

season 3 GIF by The Good Place