Pop Culture Brief-March

Where did March even go? This has been a bit half-assed because of time constraints, but idk, read this when you’re bored at work? This edition is a wee bit late; I wanted to wait out the weekend because I went to an excellent art show and I wanted to share pictures. Unfortunately, the Starbucks I had right before that made the rest of the night not great, but I did eat a very tasty cake and the art was great, so all was not lost.

I have no context for this gif, I just wanted to use it.

General Pop

Luke Perry died and it’s weird and sad.


Aunt Becky being the Beckiest Becky to ever Beck might be the greatest news story of the entire month and a lot of shit went down this month. But it is just extremely satisfying schadenfreude.

Clearly InStyle knows exactly what news is important to me because they wrote about Meghan Markle’s hot new communications dude. One complaint: not enough photos of the hot communications dude.

My favourite series on Longreads is back with another Infamous Queen.

Someone at Disney had the ingenious ridiculous idea that a live-action Dumbo was what the world needed but I guess they’re leaving out the racist birds this time?

This is just a very beautiful piece on the relationship of two sisters.

And here is a list of movies I’ve added to my to-watch list. Including Brie Larson’s directorial debut.

I am very excited for the reemergence of the romantic comedy and I am more excited at the prospect that they may not be full of sexist cliche garbage and thin white people.

I’m going to need Marvel to chill because breaking my brain heart is not cool. I’m trying not to read End Game stuff, but GAH.

Giving birth is a literal nightmare, and this lady has survived a retcon of that nightmare that is even worse than anything I could’ve imagined.

I have missed the more innocent time when my Tom Hiddleston crush was going strong. This is not how I expected to kickstart that back into gear.

Speaking of boyfriends… my lock screen boyfriend wants to be in a musical and goddamnit Hollywood, PUT MY BOYFRIEND IN A MUSICAL! He can tap dance for god sakes!

Queen Paying GIF


I am SO HERE for historical boy band truth bomb documentaries, and while we are talking about boy bands…

Here’s an ode to all the things you’ve loved before.

And James Gunn is back for Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Spoiler Alert: In this one they shoot Peter Quill into the sun.

And shout out to Dr. Jen Gunter who is currently my favourite thing about Twitter (closely followed by the return of Nicole Cliffe). She should get a Nobel Peace Prize just for dealing with the vagina mansplainer alone.

Craving Netflix

I watched Velvet Buzzsaw and it was… not terrible. It was actually kind of good? I think? I can’t remember exactly, it was a month ago, but I did not hate it. It is, however, absolutely ridiculous and bonkers.

inspecting jake gyllenhaal GIF

My favourite gay babies are back for season 3 and I’ve realized I cannot watch Queer Eye and Schitt’s Creek on the same day because I will cry myself into dehydration. NOW GIMMIE THOSE EPISODES YOU FILMED IN JAPAN!

Drag Race Season 10 is finally on Netflix so I’m slowly making my way through it. I need more time to watch TV. I’m very behind.

Because I pay for HBO (what I do for Game of Thrones) I now get Crave (a Canadian streaming service), so instead of watching all the movies I have on my to-watch list that are on Crave, I’ve been binging Frasier in the background while I do laundry and put on eyeliner.

Local Pop

To celebrate International Women’s Month, I went to see Better Than This: Evolution of Women in Musicals at the Havana Theatre and it was great! The four performers were delightful and did not disappoint in the singing department. One of them was basically a Disney princess out of costume. It is ridiculous how good her voice is. It’s hard to go wrong with songs from famous musicals paired with history of musical theatre, but the night was excellently capped off with an impromptu sing-a-long with another group who were at the back of the restaurant while we ate dulce de leche.

I went to Sticky: A Post-It Note Art Show on Saturday, which was awesome and inspiring. It’s easy to forget how many talented artists work and live in Vancouver because the art scene isn’t always overt, and I really appreciate having such an accessible and fun reminder that we do have quite a thriving art scene. Bonus: I got free Post-Its!

I went to my first pub quiz this month and it was Sex & the City themed. I probably should’ve studied up, but our team did not do too bad (fourth place!) and perhaps I will stop talking about restarting the SATC rewatch and actually do it.

Tee Vee

The finale of The Passage was fantastic and I really hope it gets a new season just to fill in the blanks, because HOLY COW THE FINALE. This was a great show to reignite vampires in the pop culture realm after all that Twilight nonsense and I do not think it was as appreciated as it should have been. Also, I could use another season of watching MPG be a hot dad.


No photo description available.

Sandra Oh was on SNL looking amazing as usual. The skits were meh, but it doesn’t matter because I’d watch Sandra on anything doing anything.

Canada is finally getting Adult Swim as a channel (as opposed to the Cartoon Network) so maybe now my friends will stop pressuring me to watch Rick & Morty? Although I don’t give a fuck about Rick & Morty and I’m just gonna use it to watch Bob’s Burgers (thanks Netflix) and King of the Hill.

I am not ready, yet very ready for the last season of Game of Thrones and I am VERY ready for the GOT documentary.


I downloaded Over My Dead Body, but I haven’t listened to it yet. A co-worker told me it wasn’t great and I have so many podcasts I listen to that it doesn’t seem like I should waste my time. Do you like it? Should I bother?

Binge Mode is doing a ramp up in preparation for THE LAST SEASON OF GAME OF THRONES.

lena heady omg GIF by Game of Thrones
Me watching season 8

I also went back through Binge Mode episodes I’d skipped over and listened to their deep-dive of The Good Place, which just made me miss The Good Place.

The Cut on Tuesdays has a “How I Get It Done” series and it is very good.

Show Your Work has had a great string of episodes in March and I recommend listening to them all.

The High Low did an interview with Fatima Bhutto that I recommend. It was uploaded a few days before the Christchurch shootings but I didn’t listen to it until a couple days after that and it was a lot, but worth it.

I started listening to Unrelatable, but I’ve only done one episode so far so I will refrain from judgement.

I listen to Nicole Byer’s Why Won’t You Date Me? which led me to listen to not only her episode, but also the episodes featuring John Mulaney and Aparna Nancherla of the Good One podcast.

nicole byer happy dance GIF by Team Coco

Have I recommended Lainey’s other podcast, What’s Your Drama? yet? Go listen, it’s so good!

At the Movie Theatre

I saw and loved Captain Marvel and now that we are SO CLOSE to Avengers: End Game, I just want to devour all the CM thought pieces so I’m distracted from the thought that my precious bb Steve might die. As of this writing, the movie has broken one billion dollars, so take that angry dudes. Also, one of the best things to come out of Captain Marvel? The CM/Valkyrie shipping.

I am seeing Us this weekend finally and basically all I’ve been thinking about is THIGHS.

Pop Pop

Just this:

Books, Books, Books

I finished The Witch Elm, which ended half expectedly and half not. It was very good, but I am ready to read something that is not from the POV of a white dude (even if it is important to the story).

I got my first book from years and years of entering the Goodreads giveaways and it’s an ARC of Cecelia Ahern’s new collection of short stories called Roar. So far, so good, even if the metaphors are kind of hitting you over the head with it’s obviousness. It works in a short story format.

Anyway, that’s it for this edition of the Pop Culture Brief. At least my bujo has no other notes so if I missed writing something down in it, I missed writing about it here and have forgotten it completely. What to look forward to? Obviously only Avengers: End Game, season 2 of Killing Eve, and the last season of Game of Thrones because nothing else is happening in April. Until then!

pending schitts creek GIF by CBC
Me making plans in April.